'I MOTIVATES' is my slogan...MOTIVATES (Motivating Others Through Innovative Ventures and Timely Educational Seminars) is my motivational speaking business. This blog grew from the work I do with groups to enlighten and inspire people to be their best. When we lift each other up, there is no limit to our success!


Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Lesson Learned Is A Lesson Earned!

“The difference between school and life?  In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test.  In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.
~Tom Bodett

Earlier in the week, I had an enlightening conversation with one of my customers.  She managed to shed so much wisdom in an hour’s time that I was tempted to dedicate an entire week to her!  One thing in particular stood out to me though.  She said that we encounter tests in life taken repeatedly until we pass them.  Consider the tests that you continue to fail.  What is it about the material that has you stuck?  Are you sabotaging yourself for fear of the lesson it may teach?  Many people I know—including myself—find it easier to repeat tests that are easy and comfortable because we already know the outcome will be favorable.  Comfort and progress, however, are not close friends.  Today’s challenge is to face the tests in life that you have failed, prepare for them (because they will come again), take them with confidence and pass with flying colors!

Recognize which tests you are failing:  There are many lessons we need to learn in this life; the tests that we often fail have the lessons we NEED to learn the most.  If you keep making the same mistake, find yourself stressed over something or avoid certain situations, these could be necessary tests.  Do not think you can escape them!  Read my post Take A Different Road for more inspiration.

“Study” for your upcoming test: Half of the battle in earning a lesson is ensuring that you know what DID NOT work the first time.  Take the time to realize what you could do differently to break the cycle.  Whether you reflect on your own mistakes or reach out to others for help, be candidly honest about how you can improve.  Carry this awareness with you into the next step.

Take the test with confidence: There is no point in preparing if you will not execute your knowledge!  Considering that, you took the time to “study” your mistakes and find ways to turn them around, face your impending test with a can-do attitude!  Do your absolute best to avoid another failure.  The good thing about life’s tests are that we can be better each and every chance we get to take them.  Go confidently towards YOUR well deserved lessons!

Pass with flying colors: We may not be able to move forward without passing certain tests.  Just like in school, almost just doesn’t count in achievement!  Never be satisfied with skimming by!  If you ever want to experience the best life has to offer, you have to give it all you can.  When life gives you a “score” for your lesson earned, be sure it is the highest you can make! 

Make today your day to stop failing!  It may not be apparent why you need to learn something, but in the end, it could be to your advantage.  You never know what having certain lessons could do for your life.  So get ready for your next test and never accept less than an A+!  Until next time my loves! 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Are You Ready For Your Awakening?!

Add caption

“There comes a time in your life when you finally get it... When in the midst of all your fears and insanity you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out- ENOUGH! Enough fighting and crying or struggling to hold on. And, like a child quieting down after a blind tantrum, your sobs begin to subside, you shudder once or twice, you blink back your tears and through a mantle of wet lashes you begin to look at the world from a new prospective. This is your awakening.”
~Excerpt from the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

It's ok to go through it...
your awakening is
Think about a current situation in your life that is tearing away at you.  You cope with it regularly and yearn for the period in time when you don’t have to deal with it anymore.  In a recent post, I brought to your attention that everything in life is temporary.  With that said, you already know that your issues will be behind you at some point.  It is your job to continue living and be ready for when the voice inside of you says ENOUGH!  We all have a path that has been laid for us and we will get to a point where we finally get it, get through it and get over it, but ONLY when it is time for us to.  Before you continue to plod along agonizing about it, take some time to realize that you are being prepared for something.  Today’s challenge is to see everything bad or negative that happens to you as preparation for your awakening. 

You need both to be at peace!
In a world that is fast paced, waits for nothing and puts up with less than that it can be easy to want to skip the rough patches we encounter.  Attempting to skip these experiences can halt our necessary preparation for life’s struggles in the future.  When we find ourselves fighting, crying and/or struggling to hold on to—or let go of—something, we can sometimes feel bad for this choice.  Resist the urge to do so!  Nothing in this life happens by chance.  Every ounce of energy in our fight, every tear and every painful struggle has a reward on the other side.  When we can see this and utilize it to make us stronger, we can reach higher and become better.  Recognizing what role the negative plays in enhancing our positive experiences brings us closer to the awakening we deserve.  The good news is no matter whom you are, you have many awakenings waiting patiently for you at the end of any and every struggle.

Your awakening is just
over the horizon!

Life is, and always will be, about challenges, choices and change.  We will all face challenges, we will all make choices and we will all experience change.  When faced with either of the three, there may be times that we resist the process of awakening because it can be easy to go with the flow and keep our current pace.  As I discussed in “Taking Your Life off Cruise Control”, we have to take a more active role in where our lives go.  Many of us are waiting for a miracle and clarity, but are YOU prepared for yours?  When you reach your awakening, you will be ready to move forward!  If you aren’t ready to move forward, you HAVE NOT reached your awakening!  Until next time my loves!    

Friday, March 25, 2011

What Are You Answering To?!

It ain't what they call you; it's what you answer to.
~W.C. Fields

Last Friday’s post was about coping with criticism…yesterday’s post was about judgment against others…today is all about judgment targeted towards YOU!  Pick any person on the face of this earth—including you—and there is no question that we have all been judged about something or another.  Even with every compliment, praise or positive action that we receive, there is something about the insults, condemnation and negative actions that we tend to remember.  This innate ability to harbor the judgment that people hurl our way can serve to tear us down or build us up.  Today’s challenge is to learn how to anticipate and utilize any and every piece of judgment to make us stronger and better!

Nobody knows you better than
Be careful what you answer to!
Without a doubt, people will find something about you they don’t like.  Nine times out of ten, these same people will find a way to let you know it!  Taking a tip from Fields quote we have to learn to expect this and be careful what we answer to.  Know who you are and reflect that at all times.  Be careful that you do not give others more power than they deserve by getting angry or upset.  Many times the judgment of others comes from a place that is far from truth.  When you respond to negativity, you are creating the illusion that truth may be in the lies.  Before you attempt to address and sift through every bad judgment thrown your way, STOP!    As you know one of my favorite words is FOCUS!  Focus on everything good in your life and be cautious of how much energy you give to the bad. 

Keep in mind that no matter how hard you try to please everyone, it will never happen.  Remember this is YOUR path and there will always be cheerleaders and bullies on the sidelines.  It is your job to surround your path with so many positive coaches, mentors and fans that the bullies will have no access to your progress!  The only constant is change and sometimes we have to be the ones to change!  Before you question this logic, follow this...Don’t change who you are, change what you choose to listen to, marinate on and answer to!  Until next week my loves!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stay In Your Lane & Judge Not!

“We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation.  It’s one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it’s another to think that yours in the only path.”
~ Paulo Coelho

A teenage mom could possibly be a victim of rape.  An obese person could battle a thyroid condition.  A homeless person may have no family and lived from paycheck to paycheck before becoming that way.  A woman with patches of hair could be in her initial stages of cancer treatment.  A timid child could be experiencing abuse at home.  Often while living our “diamond lives” we tend to inaccurately assume the plight and/or path of another.  It can be almost natural for some people to create a swirling torrent of blame and judgment about a person’s situation without knowing the back story.  Life has a way of throwing all of us curves and no one has the right to judge another.  Today’s challenge is to proceed with caution when judging others and redirecting our focus to what path WE are taking in this life.   

Make sure you are leading an exemplary life before even thinking of judging another.  Part of being the best you can be is realizing that everyone will go down a different path and yours may not be the best!  Often times, others may be experiencing a life that they never expected.  You will never know this if you have a tendency to judge before you know the truth about WHY a person is in their position.  Never assume that someone is not trying their best or failing to make the most of their situation.  Combat bad habits of creating unnecessary judgment by finding out the truth and speaking no evil towards or about a person regardless of what it may be!  When you recognize where you have come from, it can be easier to lessen the negative attitudes and opinions of another person.  Remember that nobody’s life will be perfect including your own.  If you spend your time honing in on where you are going, there will be little to no time for anything else.  Use your time wisely to ensure the path YOU are taking is the one that will increase your success and lessen your stress!     

Positive Energy Only!
No matter where you are in life, always recognize that your path will continue to change and will differ from that of someone else.  You don’t want to burn any bridges along the way or invite in any negative energy from judging others.  The same people you judge on the way up may be the same people you need on the way down.  So the next time you set your thoughts in motion about someone else’s choices or their path, replace those thoughts, redirect your energy and rededicate your time to where you are going!  Until next time my loves! 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Diamond Life!

"Life is a grindstone, and whether it grinds a man down or polishes him up depend on the stuff he's made of."
~Josh Billings

Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011)
*Pic Courtesy of fact-achive.com
I often plan my motivational messages for you guys a day or more in advance.  While planning for today’s message, I was prepared to write about living a diamond life.  As equally ironic as it is sad, today the world lost the legendary Elizabeth Taylor.  If you are not familiar with this iconic figure, I suggest you do your research to learn more about this phenomenally talented, charitable and effervescent woman.  Aside from her glamour, style and grace she exhibited the characteristics of a “diamond life”.  Her craft, her relationships, her giving spirit, her ability to fight for her life and her resilient spirit against the naysayers of the world are the same facets we should all develop.  Today’s challenge is to review how life is grinding you and finding exactly what position you need to take to become “polished”.

Elizabeth Taylor’s life in many areas is blueprint worthy.  Take a few tips to develop your inner diamond.  Your gifts and talents are part of your unique purpose.  If you are not utilizing them to the utmost of your ability, you are missing the chance to illuminate the world with your greatness.  When it comes to relationships, we often waste precious time with people who will never bring out the best in us.  If you have to let go of some people, you are only making room for better.  Elizabeth Taylor knew this better than anyone did!  When you start to feel that you cannot go on due to life grinding you up or people tearing you down, rediscover what you have to live for.  We all have someone or something that keeps us going.  Find yours today!  Once you have prioritized your life, abilities and relationships, do not forget to give back to others.  It does not always have to be monetary; your time is more than enough.  

You do not have to be a celebrity to live the “diamond life” I have talked about today!  We are all diamonds in our own right within different stages of our development.  Those with the most facets are those with the most shine!  Consider what your “facets” consist of and keep moving so that life can continue to polish you.  I have said it before and I will say it again…
Until next time my loves!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Is Your Pond Too Small?!

“Life’s only limitations are those you set upon yourself, for as long as you strive hard enough anything is achievable.”
~Chad Williams

Often times we set a goal for ourselves, reach it and sit back to revel in our accomplishment.  Before you get TOO relaxed, remember that being the big fish in a small pond is not what life is about.  Some of the most successful people in this life became that way by pushing their boundaries.  Ask anyone you consider successful what their secret is and chances are it revolves around trying new things, stepping outside of their comfort zone and NEVER being content with their level of achievement.  They were not satisfied with being the best in one area; they had to test their skills in deeper waters!  Whether they sank or swam, they stretched their limits and discovered new abilities.  Yesterday’s challenge was to begin charting your course and taking control of your destiny.  Today is all about eradicating your limits and striving to reach the heights of success you deserve.      

In order to see continuous progress in our lives, we have to be willing to swim outside of our comfy kiddy pools.  One of the first ways to start erasing your limits is to release your fears and imagine yourself thriving in a new and challenging environment.  Instead of making this process a terrifying one, look forward to discovering unknown talents.  Second, find new contacts that can enlighten and educate you.  Nurture these relationships to better yourself.  Third, fervently challenge yourself with new activities.  We never know what we can do until we try.  Surprise yourself often by trying something new, taking a class, reading a book you would never look twice at or exploring a new place.  Any time that you feel you have reached a pinnacle, it is time to climb another hill!     
It can be easy to set limits and find comfort in where we are NOW.  However, limits curb achievement and comfort promotes stagnation.  Keep exploring unknown waters!  Allow yourself space to grow in an environment that can handle that change.  Never limit yourself in this life!  Utilize and exercise EVERY gift that you know of and discover all those which you do not know of.  Whenever you start feeling comfortable with your level of success, check your pond!  It just may be time to move into broader waters!  Until next time my loves! 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Grab The Wheel & Charter Your Course!

"If you only do what you know you can do- you never do very much."
-Thomas Krause

As a businesswoman with a big heart, part of my job is to motivate those I come in contact with.  Every week at my job, I post a quote that serves this purpose.  When I posted this particular quote months ago, it stuck with me.  How often do we push our own boundaries?  How much do we really get done as opposed to what we planned to do?  If you think back to a recent goal you set for yourself and the steps you took to get there, did you do your best or did you do just enough?  This week is all about creating your success in every way!  Setting your goals, pushing your limits and realizing that you can do it all!  Today’s challenge is to set your coordinates and charter your own course!

Are you grabbing control of your proverbial wheel or are you content on cruise control?  Doing what we know how to do in life comes naturally for many of us, but often it is not enough.  There is always room for improvement and sometimes it takes a substantial amount of energy, will and drive to get there.  Living up to your full potential starts when you realize YOUR contribution to your success.  If you are waiting for someone else to come along and guide you, there is no telling where you could end up!  Despite how terrifying it may be to take action, there is an exhilaration that comes from being in control of your destiny.  With a sound mind, good health, positive family and friends, and endless talents worth discovering, I am ready to regain my control!  How about you?!

It can be easy to set the cruise and roll with it!  No thought, no rush to stop anywhere, and no pressure to be any faster or slower.  The thought of that mentality (outside of a long road trip!) is ridiculous!  Life isn't about coasting.  It's about steering, navigating, charting your course, losing your way, and discovering different stops in which you want to pick up a souvenir or learn about a new place.  That's the type of journey I want to take in this lifetime.  So take a minute and really think...

Are you content with opportunities, people, LIFE passing you by while you sit back on cruise?


Are you ready to lightly tap the brakes, stop cruising, and sit up and pay attention to where you are going and how fast you want to get there?

The choice is yours!  Until next time my loves!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Criticize This!: Use Criticism To Be A Success!

“Don't mind criticism.  If it is untrue, disregard it; if unfair, keep from irritation; if it is ignorant, smile; if it is justified it is not criticism, learn from it.”

We have all been there!  You work hard on something, pour your heart and soul into it, review and revise it, stare at it from various angles and dip it in bronze!  From your view, it is utter perfection!  Basking in the warm glow from surprising yourself, you set out to share your work.  Many people will share your enthusiasm and see most, if not all, of the pride and effort you put into your product.  Then there will be those who criticize the very thing YOU would consider your best.  For many of us, criticism can create hostility down to our very core.  Before determining its origin and purpose, we can mistakenly dismiss this opportunity to better ourselves.  Today’s challenge is to recognize the positive side of criticism to strengthen our talents and learn to dismiss what does not apply.

It does not matter whom you are or what gifts you have to offer, people will always have something to say.  We have to accept that not every comment will be positive.  In these cases, we must always remember that God wastes nothing.  Every aspect of your life, including the criticism of others, serves a unique purpose in helping you become better.  Although you can never control the intentions of criticism, you can control how you choose to utilize it.  When you find yourself under the critical eye, thoughts and words of another, think of the above quote.  Despite all the key points, my favorite is the very end because it is what we must always remember.  If someone recommends an alteration that can affect the influence and power of your abilities, it is worth learning from.  If they came from a place of hate, so what?!  You can still use them to become a better you!  
It will always be easier to accept and appreciate positive feedback, but you will never grow from it.  When the criticism starts to fly your way, receive it graciously and humbly.  Never take EVERYTHING that someone suggests and alter whom you are altogether.  Instead, be receptive to how criticism of ANY kind can serve as a tool to make you a better person.  A critical part in being successful in life is recognizing that you are not perfect.  After you know something, you can open yourself up to improvement.  Besides isn’t that what life is all about; self-improvement!  So before you pat yourself of the back for a fabulously perfect job well done, make some space for a better you to evolve!  Until next time my loves!       

*If you loved this post, you will probably love this one too! Dimiss The Haters In The Midst!*

Thursday, March 17, 2011

You Have All The Courage You Need!

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." 
~e.e. cummings
Many years ago when I gave one of my first presentations, I remember feeling terrified of how my audience would receive me.  Standing in front of a room of fifteen people, my hands were sweating and all of my hard work and preparation seemed to disappear from my memory.  When I opened my mouth to speak my once familiar voice seemed foreign and unsure.  I stumbled through my material and at the end felt like a complete failure.  That day, in my third grade class, I vowed I would never speak for a crowd again!  Guess I lied to myself because I am now living my destiny of being a motivational speaker.  Today’s challenge is to tap into your inner courage and become who you are destined to be.

Although I did not see it or believe it back then, I had the courage to overcome my fear and be a success.  The aforementioned quote is one of my personal favorites because of its two-fold meaning.  Not only does it take courage to grow up, it also takes courage to become who we really are.  When we are young, the world can seem scary and overwhelming.  For many, this feeling does not subside with age.  Often our fears play a pivotal role in holding us back from accepting responsibility for our lives and obtaining success.  Despite how you may feel, you DO have what it takes.  Believing in yourself, utilizing all your resources and never giving up are the key steps in being your best YOU! 

So, are you ready to overcome your fears, accept responsibility for your life and become who you really are?  I know you are!  All you have to do is believe in your abilities!  Know that you have the courage within you to shake off any doubts or fears to accept your unique destiny.  Starting today, exercise your courage by trying something you have always wanted to do.  Use every day after that to keep surprising yourself.  We only have one life and you deserve to spend it being your best!  Until tomorrow my loves!  

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sitting Still Won’t Get You Through It! Keep Moving!

“If you are going through hell, keep going.”
~ Winston Churchill

Ever had one of those days when EVERYTHING was going wrong?  Of course, you have!  Now the better question would be how did you handle it?  It is easy to sit down in the midst of a storm and wallow in thoughts of “I can’t” and feelings of “why me”.  We must live the type of life in which we keep moving forward despite the seemingly indestructible forces we face!  Besides, no matter what storms come your way, there is always a calm preceding it for you to prepare and a reprieve after for you to recuperate!  Today’s challenge is to slip on your armor of protection and continue to walk boldly through the storms in your life.

As a people, we mistakenly believe that our problems are so much bigger than our abilities.  The ironic twist to it all is that we do not know our abilities until we have to battle a storm.  Know that you have the KSA’s – knowledge, skills and abilities – to get through anything that comes your way.  When you start to doubt yourself, think of your past.  There is sure to be a situation that you didn't believe you could overcome.  Life didn't allow you to avoid it, so you had to endure it.  Whether you fought through it or got beat down…you got through it!  Never forget your success in your past storms.  They hold valuable lessons that can assist you later.  Another part of your challenge for today is to remove the doubt and figure it out!  If God brought you to it, He will get you through it!  Believe that!  
Despite how different our individual struggles in life may be, we will all face tumultuous times.  Whether you are in the calm before the storm, facing the storm itself or catching a breather from going through a storm, guess what?  You always have two choices: Stop or Keep Going.  For those who choose to stop, you will find that your storms seem endless.  You will continue to be beat down by life’s treacherous times until you make a conscious effort to be stronger than your situation.  For those who chose to keep going, you will continue to find, and appreciate, the peace after.  Oh and how can I forget your bonus!  You will discover a reward of an enhanced resilience to assist in your journey.  So remember…
“Everything is temporary.  Everything is bound to end.”
~Keren Ann

…EVERYTHING including your struggles.  No matter what comes your way…no matter how hard it seems…all you have to do is KEEP MOVING!  Until tomorrow my loves!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Allow Others To Be An Instrument In Your Success!

*This little gem came from my other blog: http://mochafoxx.blogspot.com/. Check it out!*

"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor; 10 For if they fall, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls and does not have another to lift him up! 11 Again, if two lie together, they keep warm. But how can one be warm alone? 12 And while a man may prevail against the one, the two will withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken."
~Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

No man is an island!
There are many people who believe they are an island.  Everything they accomplish is because THEY did it and anywhere they go in life is because THEY made it possible.  These same people won't offer their support to others in the pursuit of life.  Not only is this a selfish and damaging thought process, it limits success.  When you give others the respect and honor that they deserve for giving their support, God will bless you with more than you ever expected.  The thing is, you have to be willing to accept advice, take criticism and challenge yourself to be better with the help of others.  The power of a team is a beautiful thing!  For some the thought of teamwork means the division of success among more people than necessary.  Once again, this is a selfish way to think.  Your "team" should be a group of people that you trust and know have your best interest at heart.  They aren't there to take away, but to enhance your chances of being a great success! 

We often make the tragic mistake of staying to ourselves or either surrounding ourselves with people who are poisonous, jealous and hateful.  When I watch award shows and see an artist win, I always wondered why their whole entourage of people had to come up to accept it with them!  You don't need a whole army as your team!  Trust me when I tell you that once the war starts, most of them will probably turn on you!  Even in the scripture above, they are condoning three people as a bond that can't be broken.  Ask yourself how many people make up your support system?! 
Just in case you wanted to know, this is my thought process:

If you put God first, then you have your MVP.  After Him should be the permanent supports who only you can appoint.  With everyone else, your duty is to decipher and filter out the people who are really there and the people who really don't care.  Don't go the road alone, but don't weigh down your means of transport to success with a bunch of baggage and crap!  Keep people around that will lift you up if you fall.  Keep people who will hold you accountable for what you say you will do.  Keep people around that can support you even if their life isn't perfect.  It's not an easy task, but when you are playing to win, you don't want to question your team.

So whether you are the lone ranger brimming with endless superhuman power or the insecure talent with an army all around you and no support, it is never too late to find the balance.  Don't be afraid to accept help or to cut loose the nonsupporting.  Every goal needs a plan and every success story needs a few key players that will play their role and allow you to shine!  Determine who these people will be and embrace them as a critical and glorious part of your success!

Be Your Absolute Best and Don't Worry About The Rest!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Your Glass Is ALWAYS Half-Full!

“You may wake up and dread the day, but embrace your blessing anyway.  So many people do not have what you have, make what you make, live how you live, or experience love like you do.  Be grateful for it all because it could ALWAYS be worse.”
~Eboni N. Faulkner

We live in a world that is unpredictably terrifying for many.  Recently, Japan has been on everyone’s radar with the earthquake, tsunami, aftershocks and nuclear concerns.  It is hard not to have sympathy and concern for the innocent victims of such a traumatizing and unreal disaster.  Watching this catastrophe continue to unfold on television and online should not only shock and sadden you; it should also make you grateful for your own blessings.  Life will take different paths for us all, but we will all face adversity.  Today’s challenge is to view our life’s glass as half-full because guess what?!  IT IS HALF-FULL! 

Often times we look at our lives and find fault, issues and endless reasons to complain.  Many of these “problems” are changeable and temporary.  Think of all the people who don't have a choice in their circumstances.  Our focus and attitude is what makes the difference.  Instead of focusing on the “half-empty” portion of your glass, stay fixed on what is right about your life.  What we choose to do with our time is our choice.  Taking more time to focus on the positive, plan for the negative and deal with the rest can help you re-shift your focus.  Regardless of the circumstances, situations or problems we all have something to be grateful for in this life! 

What we consider disasters often pale in comparison to what others have to endure.  So today and every day, find positivity in every aspect of your life!  If you woke up this morning, that is the first positive thing that happened to you today.  Every minute that we have is a privilege and should be treated as such.  If you have one person that loves you for who you are, count that as two positive things.  Before you think you do not have someone that loves you, keep in mind the people you often overlook.  If you have another day to make things right, make things better or make a change period, count that as three positive things!  Look at you!  See how full your glass is!  Until tomorrow my loves!