“Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough.”
~Charles Dudley Warner
Have you ever over packed for a trip? The effects of this choice can follow you from your house all the way to your destination! When you pack, it seems like EVERYTHING you own has a purpose and you simply cannot leave it. Burdened down with your precious belongings, you suffer aches and pains lugging it to the airport. To add insult to injury, you are hit with baggage fees that cost as much as the trip! Then the absolute worst observation is at the end of it all. The part where you realize you only needed a third of the crap you brought with you! Had you only taken what you needed, you could have saved stress, pain and money. Life is the same way!
Many of us are carrying around unnecessary baggage throughout this journey called life. Weighted down with all the emotional possessions of our past, we find it hard to reach the destinations—goals—we set for ourselves. Even if we do reach certain levels, this extra baggage can act as a barrier to reaching our ultimate potential. Just think about it…the more dead weight you carry around the more stress, pain and personal costs you have to endure. Why drag down your journey?! Before you travel any further, look at what you are carrying around and the contents within them. Surely, there are items that can be sorted, left behind or discarded altogether.
Today’s challenge is to move towards more with less behind you! Take some time to consider how embracing this “carry-on” approach can enhance your life! Bring only what you NEED into your future. We cannot anticipate what the road ahead will bring, but we can lighten our load! When you take what you can handle, your turbulent trip could become an enjoyable expedition!
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