“Don't mind criticism. If it is untrue, disregard it; if unfair, keep from irritation; if it is ignorant, smile; if it is justified it is not criticism, learn from it.”
We have all been there! You work hard on something, pour your heart and soul into it, review and revise it, stare at it from various angles and dip it in bronze! From your view, it is utter perfection! Basking in the warm glow from surprising yourself, you set out to share your work. Many people will share your enthusiasm and see most, if not all, of the pride and effort you put into your product. Then there will be those who criticize the very thing YOU would consider your best. For many of us, criticism can create hostility down to our very core. Before determining its origin and purpose, we can mistakenly dismiss this opportunity to better ourselves. Today’s challenge is to recognize the positive side of criticism to strengthen our talents and learn to dismiss what does not apply.
It does not matter whom you are or what gifts you have to offer, people will always have something to say. We have to accept that not every comment will be positive. In these cases, we must always remember that God wastes nothing. Every aspect of your life, including the criticism of others, serves a unique purpose in helping you become better. Although you can never control the intentions of criticism, you can control how you choose to utilize it. When you find yourself under the critical eye, thoughts and words of another, think of the above quote. Despite all the key points, my favorite is the very end because it is what we must always remember. If someone recommends an alteration that can affect the influence and power of your abilities, it is worth learning from. If they came from a place of hate, so what?! You can still use them to become a better you!
It will always be easier to accept and appreciate positive feedback, but you will never grow from it. When the criticism starts to fly your way, receive it graciously and humbly. Never take EVERYTHING that someone suggests and alter whom you are altogether. Instead, be receptive to how criticism of ANY kind can serve as a tool to make you a better person. A critical part in being successful in life is recognizing that you are not perfect. After you know something, you can open yourself up to improvement. Besides isn’t that what life is all about; self-improvement! So before you pat yourself of the back for a fabulously perfect job well done, make some space for a better you to evolve! Until next time my loves!
*If you loved this post, you will probably love this one too! Dimiss The Haters In The Midst!*
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